offer and Labor Demand | Human Soul

7 July 2020

The competitive labor market landscape assesses each virtue and aptitude for the selection of trained personnel in any branch of industry. This selection is based on competencies and skills that the future employee will have to cover and contribute to the potential development of the company. It is assumed that Mexican companies require human capital that has a specialization and previous training, at least technical, in the productive sector. About 600,000 young people a year graduate from Bachelor level in the country, requiring the creation of one million jobs annually. However, according to the National Employment and Occupation Survey of the third two months of 2012, only 40 out of every 100 professionals in Mexico got a job related to their training.
As Enrique V. Iglesias rightly mentions in his book “Good Jobs Are Sought” the problems related to employment concern the common citizen more than any other economic or social issue (Iglesias, 2004)[1]. Today, economic, social and demographic phenomena in the country have led to high levels of unemployment and thus high demand for labor. The latest reform of the Federal Labor Act was carried out in 2014, with the result that employing institutions would be expected to pay particular attention to remaining within the scope of the Act, thus seeking justice for both sides, employee and employer.
However, day to day working conditions are found for workers which represent a violation of the law and at the same time a decrease in their quality of life.
Society today suffers from insecurity due to organized crime, impunity and anarchy that occurs on a small, medium and large scale which, from the point of view of who writes, is caused by the lack of integration of values in Mexican homes. This lack of integration goes hand in hand with the working hours that parents often have to dedicate to their jobs, not for the fact of earning the extra hours that the law grants, but for the simple fear of losing their job to the non-compliance with the objectives that contemporary companies establish.
Defining “integral quality of life” as that situation in which a person enjoys a stable economy that allows him to live without basic deficiencies (food, transportation, footwear, clothing, education) and thus also have the time necessary for recreation, rest and family coexistence; in the job search process Is it easy or difficult to find this balance between life and work? And, if it is difficult to find this balance, what is the reason?
At Cori Consultores, we approach these problems from the study of Organizational Psychology. The analysis of the economic, political, social, generational situation of society, companies lead us to generate continuous improvement strategies for the organization seen as a cell within the global system that represents a country.

Author: Lic. Montserrate Muñoz González


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